Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The ruling is in! It’s official: Milla is my girl

I got the amazing news today that little Miss Milla is officially my daughter. The judge ruled in my favor and I am going to go pick her up- Lord willing- next week. My agency says that no one else has gotten a ruling since the courts have re opened and that this was the fastest turn around they had seen lately from court date to written ruling. So I am just thanking God for His rapid action on Milla’s behalf.
It all feels pretty surreal. Having been with her for 2 ½ weeks and now back at home without her, it almost feels like it was a dream I woke up from a few mornings ago. But I know being back in Uganda and able to take custody of her will make everything feel more real. I am excited for us to start this journey as mother and daughter. I have had really good days and some really rough days emotionally. So much goes through my head. Much of the time I find myself feeling inadequate and unprepared for all of this. But I just keep reminding myself that this has been God from the beginning. He placed this dream in my heart, opened all the doors, and provided the money and time off… He has been orchestrating this from the begging and all I need to do in rest in Him and walk forward.

“With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Ps 18:29

I was singing along with the radio in my car today and sang the lyrics: Love is Sacrifice.
The way God has loved us is so tragically beautiful, and the way He asks us to love the world is not for the faint of heart. There is darkness, but we are called to be lights on a hill. These children are all alone. They are surrounded by the dark. Someone needs to bring them light- or how will they find their way? Nothing is easy about taking them in as your own- but how can we not? I saw a post on facebook the other day that said: I always questioned if I was ready to adopt. Then I realized that no child was ready to become an orphan. I wish I could re-post this daily. No child should be without protection, love, food, medical care, education, or at least just a fair chance at life… but 153 million children in this world are lacking these essential things. So we fight, so we sacrifice, and so God advances us against the troop.
Today I am so thankful to say that it is 153 million, minus one (little Barnes). I can’t wait to bring her home for good! Thank you all for your prayers and sweet encouragement! My family and friends are so amazing and I am so blessed by you all. Please keep praying for a quick trip home and favor with all the paper work and exit interviews that we have to go through (they estimate that we will be there about 4 weeks or so). Also pray for a smooth adjustment for both Milla and myself. She is such a brave little girl, I am just hoping that we can build trust quickly so she can feel at peace with me. Also continued prayers for health and finances would be great!

Here are some long overdue photos of my sweet little! So excited to get to share her with you all! I am one thankful mama!

1 comment:

  1. I am so over the moon excited for you! ! That little girl is so blessed. Congrats momma!!
