Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"He sets the lonely in families" Ps. 68:6

“know you’re not alone…I’m going to make this place your home”

October 11, 2014- The day I stopped having to say goodbye to my daughter. She doesn’t have to sleep on the bottom of a rusty bunk bed any more, or wait in line for a sip of water, or think that wearing underwear is a luxury, or pee in her pants because she is not allowed inside… She is a Barnes. I am so blessed!
Our first few days together have been so gracious (I am sure thanks to the prayers sent out for us from you all). We have had a few emotional break downs and maybe one or two little tantrums, but I just pick her up in my arms and we walk and sing and I hold her close and she calms down so quickly. She is such a big helper; wanting to wash the laundry with me, clean up, fold clothes, etc. She eats like my granddaddy, a big Barnes appetite for sure! She has the greatest imagination, we will pretend we are blowing bubbles and she will watch them go in to the sky with me and clap at what a good job I did (while I am holding a stick and pointing in to thin air…maybe we should get some real bubbles hahaha). She loves singing “head, shoulders, knees and toes” and a song from the orphanage about loving baby Jesus- you can barely make out the words she is saying but she sings them out all day! We are similar in a lot of ways actually.
She is truly beautiful and such a joy! I find myself really wanting to be home with her and not stuck in this middle ground. I am so thankful that we are at least together now, that helps a lot. I met with my lawyer yesterday and she said that Milla’s birth certificate isn’t completed yet…so that means we cannot even start on the passport- which is the first step to the coming home process. I am praying for an expedited time here. I know I need to have a better attitude if the Lord sees fit to keep us here for longer. I just have to remember it is all about building a relationship with her at the moment and it doesn’t matter where we are at to do that! My dad is here with me and has extended his stay so that I do not have to be alone. Also two of my close friends will be coming to visit me with their adoptive daughter at the end of the week so we are so excited for that! Once I get closer to coming home my aunt Bunnie will be coming out to bring Milla home with me. It’s unbelievable the support system that I have, God knows what we need and He provides out of His abundant riches. I am so blessed to have so many treasures!
Please pray for our adjustment together- that Milla continues to grow in trust and love. Pray for our health (I am currently taking my antibiotics that I brought and I am starting to feel better but kicking a cold is no fun when there is so much else that need attention). Pray that the birth certificate and passport process go amazingly fast! I am hoping to be home by early November, we shall see what the Lord has planned for us. I will keep you all updated as much as possible. Here are some cute pictures! She is a pretty adorable kid!!
Love from a mama with her little one in Uganda
“Jesus, You have won me. You’ve broken every chain with love and mercy. You triumphed over death and You are worthy of glory and praise. Shout it out and lift up one voice in worship. Sing it out until all the earth can hear it: Jesus is alive and He saves, He rescues and saves.”

(usually my go to song when I am carrying Milla during a really hard moment during the day). He rescues and saves!



  1. Congratulations Rose! She's beautiful!

  2. This is so exciting! Praying against your cold and praying for more favor!!! We are so proud of you! Keep going!!

  3. So Awesome!!!! Hold onto Jesus, He is ALWAYS good!! So happy for you and proud of you! Praying that you are healthy soon! ❤️ love and hugs!

  4. Oh Rosebud, I think of you two daily. You are so blessed to have found each other. I will pray for an expedited trip to get you two home! xoxo

  5. I love hearing about her little personality :) We can't wait to meet her and spend time with you two. So thankful God allowed us to do this together. Love you so much and I'm so sorry you're sick!
