Sunday, May 18, 2014

I am a mama!

“…And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45

It is with the greatest amount of joy in my heart that I am writing you all to tell you that…
 I AM A MAMA!!!!!

Last week I received a referral from my adoption agency for a sweet little two year old girl with big beautiful eyes and the cutest lips you could imagine.  I got the call at 0530 before work, got on my knees and praise the Lord, called my mom and sister right away with all the details and then sent them pictures, read her whole file and medical record, then e mailed my agency at 0655 (before walking in to work) and accepted the referral…what a morning!

(Showing Naya her cousin's picture for the first time. I think she likes her already)

“…For there is a time and a way for everything, although man’s trouble lies heavy on him”
 Ecclesiastes 8:6

     The timing of this referral also refreshes my heart. I know that the Lord has waited and held back a referral in part because I have needed to be with Naya, Sarah and my family during these past 3 months. I can’t imagine what I would have done had I been in Uganda during this time. Naya and Sarah  are too precious to me to have not been with them each step of this journey. I truly believe that since the Lord has allowed a referral, He means to bring Naya home soon as well. So this news comes and brings a double blessing and double joy to our souls.

     I am going to refrain from posting any pictures or information about her because there are so many anti-adoption groups working hard in Uganda to delay and prevent international adoptions, so your just gonna have to wait haha. Please keep me and my little girl in your prayers. I am working this week on getting all my paper work updated and meeting again with my social worker to finalize everything. So please pray that all of that gets completed without any complications. Also be praying for my little one. She was abandoned more recently than I was expecting (I guess even though I didn't have any expectations, I did at the same time haha. Funny how we do that). Pray that her heart is being prepared for me. I know the Lord will be working in both of our hearts in these next few weeks-months before we meet each other. Right now I am waiting for a court date so prayer for that would also be appreciated.

This year so far has been tough. We have been living at the hospital with Sarah and  Naya for the past three months. We have watched God raise the dead, breath life, allow difficult circumstances, glorify Himself…it’s been amazing. I can honestly say we have walked by faith and not by sight as we held the hand of our little girl who’s body was only being kept alive via machines…and yet believed we would see her eyes open and show her dimples yet again because of the Lord’s plan for her life. We asked as the song says that the Lord would “take us deeper than our feet could ever wander, that our faith would be made stronger in the presence of our Savior”…and He has granted our request.  Also my beautiful Nanny (Armanda Fortunada
“Diana” DeMattia) passed away to be with the Lord two weeks ago. We have felt that loss deeply though we know she is happy and healthy in the arms of her Savior as well as with her husband (who she has missed with every day of the past seven years). My brother has been finishing up Law school while my sister-in-law and niece relocated for work (soon to be followed by my brother) so they have been running every direction possible- but still found time to be with us especially during the roughest times in the hospital. My brother graduated yesterday from Law school and we were able to celebrate his graduation and Gianna’s first birthday together which was so amazing.
I am so thankful for and proud of my family.  I really believe that the second half of this year will be filled with joy and rest for the Barnes family.  Let it be Lord.

Thank you all for your prayers and love! I hope this update brings so much joy to your hearts as the Lord has over-flowed my heart! I am so undeserving and so thankful.  I will keep you updated as travel plans unfold for me and the little one. I cannot wait till you all can see the face of my beautiful girl! God didn't have to give me a beauty for my daughter, but He did! Praise the Lord oh my soul!


  1. ROSE!! this is just so great! will be praying for you through this continued process!

  2. This is amazing news! That little girl is going to be so blessed to have you as a mommy! Congratulations and praise the Lord!
