Monday, July 22, 2013

Time to Wait...

“I wait on the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope. Oh Israel, put your hope in the Lord for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption”
Psalm 130:5,7

It feels like there have been so many times in my life where the Lord has me wait.

Wait to get in to nursing school. Wait to figure out relationships. Wait to find a job. Wait to adopt. Wait to move to China. Wait to once again hold the children in my arms that I love so much.

Some of those times listed above have turned in to the biggest blessings. I could not have dreamt what the Lord had in store for school and my career path. Others, well- I am still waiting.

Now that I have started the adoption process it is once again time to wait. Wait for a match.

I am waiting to find out who my little girl is. It is so wonderful to have my part of the adoption done. Now it is out of my hands. It could happen any time any day…or I could be waiting till next year. But surprisingly there is a calm that is over me. Perhaps it has been the other “waiting” moments that have taught me how to trust the Lord more completely. Though I know full well I am still learning.

Each day I wait means more time to pray. More time to read about Uganda and learn about my daughters cultural heritage. More time to accrue PTO and money for the adoption. More time to… grown in trusting the Lord.

I just wanted to give you a little update on where I am at. The $6,000 I received as a grand from Show Hope is pretty much what I needed (practically to a T) for all the rest of my adoption fees.WOO!!  Now all I have left to come up with financially is my travel fees and costs. It varies as far as when I will be traveling (for airfare) and how long I will have to stay in country (could be up to 8 weeks depending on how fast the judges make their ruling). So I am guessing around $6,000 left to go. If you know of any hook ups for cheap air fare let me know or if you know of anyone in Kampala Uganda (where I will be staying most of the time) I would love to connect with them. If the Lord stirs your heart to give to baby Barnes’ adoption fund I am always so thankful for that ( The generosity and support of so many people has been so encouraging and mind blowing! I am thankful for you all!

Keep me in your prayers.  Some days I feel a little numb (maybe subconsciously trying to protect myself from getting too excited when the wait could be long), some days I am tired, some days I am breaking out a ton, some days are just perfectly normal and full of joy. It is hard to know how your subconscious is processing everything- but sometimes I get little glimpses in to what looks like stress. Probably from the inability to plan or control anything. But then I just pray some more. God’s timing is so perfect, if the world were run off my timing I would make a mess of the planet in less than 2 seconds. So I am grateful for the protection that comes from waiting on the Lord.

We wait on the Lord and we place our hope in Him. For in Him is unfailing love and full redemption.

One step closer to my baby girl!!! big hugs to you all!!!

In my readings I have found some statistics that just made my jaw drop. just food for thought:

·         There are 53.1 million orphans in Africa.

(What is crazy about this statistic is that is only includes children with dead parents. It doesn’t include children who have mothers who are prostitutes, who live in a dirty mud hut with their ten siblings and see their mother once every couple of week. There are slums in Africa where the population is 75% children. babies taking care of babies. No parents in sight. It also does not include the children who escape to the streets to rescue themselves  from an abusive father or a dying and equally abusive mother…who knows the actual number of children living without love/safely/ food/shelter…)

·         30,000 children die each day in Africa of starvation or malnutrition.

·         314 million Africans live on less than $1.00/day

References: and a book by Janine Maxwell It’s Not Okay with Me.

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