Tuesday, May 28, 2013


"Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders.
Let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.

So I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise my soul will rest in Your embrace. For I am yours and you are mine."

~Lately just seems like a lot of “new”. So much change…and I am a creature of habit. But singing these words on Sunday quickly became my hearts cry and yearning.
That the Lord would grow my trust in Him, that I would walk on the waters that He calls me out on.
No matter how rough.
No matter how crazy stepping out of the boat seems.
That I would step out and keep my eyes fixed on Him.

That He would take me places that I have not even dreamed up for myself. Spiritually, in ministry, in relationships, in orphan care, in motherhood, in my occupation as a nurse…that He would lead me to places I do not know, and that I would find Him there.
I love that the chores talks all about keeping my eyes on Him, calling out to Him, being held closely by Him. Because I am HIS. And at the end of the day, that is the one thing that I can rely on in all of this change and crazy’ness. When the waves are roaring all around me and I cannot hear anything but the noise- to be able to look straight in to my Father’s eyes and know that He has me, He called me here, He is working to will and to do for His good pleasure.  

Then I can rest. In Him there is peace. It is well.~
~take a listen~

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