Wednesday, April 17, 2013 the midst of very bad circumstances...

   I met a woman at my garage sale the other day. She was from Africa herself. She said that Ugandans were some of the most wonderful people she had ever met. “They are a wonderful people, but they are in the midst of very bad circumstances...” she said.
It made me start to think, what circumstances is my little girl going through today? Hunger? Fear? Abandonment? Trauma of seeing her mother die in front of her or be raped?

Is she going to have memories that scar her heart- but that she cannot remember?

     Has she been abandon in a field or forest where ravenous animals are lurking around. Has she been picked up by some person who thought to themselves, “in a couple years she will make me some good money if I sell her to foreign men for pleasure”. Is she being neglected along with hundreds of other children in dirty cribs? Or maybe she is sleeping peacefully in the arms of a mother who knows she cannot keep her.

I pray for her.
I pray for her mother.

     Then I think of my kids in china. Gosh how I miss them. I see their faces every time I close my eyes to pray. I think of the ones who have fallen through the cracks over the years, they keep me up sometimes at night. Those who have passed to be with the Lord, now in the arms of their real Father. I think of the ones I saw a few months ago and kissed and held. I think of the ones who have forever families, who are safe, who I don’t need to worry about any longer.
God show us what to do for these beautiful people who find themselves in very bad circumstances. God protect your children. God hold my soon to be baby girl close, and hold my other children whom I have had for years close to You as well.

Protect. Mend. Heal. Love.

For You can do these things better than I ever could.

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