Thursday, January 17, 2013

Leaving to pick up a beautiful china blossom tomorrow…

~"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you..." John 14:18~

It’s like a dream come true. Each time I am in china there are children that I want to take home with me- to be my own, to know the love of my family, to be protected and cherished…well on January 21st this dream comes true! My sister gets to pick up her beautiful 4 year old daughter, Naya Rose Barnes, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world! There are so many things that I have long to experience in life and this is right there on the top of my list. She gets to belong to my family. She will forever be my niece and I will get to be her auntie. She will be at every Sunday night family dinner and Christmas and Easter. I’ll get to go to her first piano recital (or violin if Sarah gets her way). She will help my daughters lean about life, and Jesus, and fashion, and boys as she will be a few years older. She will forever be a permanent fixture buried deep in our hearts and held tightly in our arms.
I just cannot wait for you little Naya. We are coming as fast as we can : )
~your auntie rose

1 comment:

  1. Excited for you Rose to get to travel with your sister! Praying for your trip and the exciting journey this will be!
