Friday, January 4, 2013

I'm Expecting...from Uganda

“Little children, let us not love in word or tongue but in action and in truth…” 1 John3:18

       Wow, what a journey the Lord has taken me through thus far in life. I have to say I feel like I might be one of the most blessed among women. It was about eleven years ago that the Lord awakened my heart to the plight of the orphan (specifically in China, but worldwide as well). That small passion started with prayer and grew from there. Eight years ago I took my first trip to China and my heart fell in love with the children there. I have been to many countries and worked in different capacities with different organizations, but never have I felt such a deep attachment to a people group as when I am ministering in China.  Since then the Lord has been gracious in allowing me to return to china each year and love on kids as well as advocate for them from here in the USA.  I know it might sound crazy but, I feel that I became a mother eight years ago, when I held that first little motherless child in my arms. I have wept over them, prayed and advocated for them, held them in my heart, and loved them ever since.

     So you might ask, what does this have to do with adopting from Uganda. Well- adoption has always been in the corner of my mind, but when I turned 25 I started thinking very seriously about it (the age at which many countries allow you to adopt). I remember listening to a sermon and the man asked, “Why not now?”Why are we putting things off that the Lord has placed on our hearts? At the time I was jobless and about to be without insurance with tons of student loans that still needed to be paid off… so that was my answer. It just wouldn’t work.  Over the past two and a half years I have asked the Lord “Is it now?”.  Since then He has provided me with a wonderful job, full benefits, health, a supportive family, and the ability to pay down many of my student loans. So about five months ago I started the adoption process by just taking baby steps. I am fully aware that the Lord is able to stop things from happening (as I have found out by trying to do so many things that just haven’t worked out). But so far we are moving right along. This week I start the dossier process which will most likely take me 2-3 months. After that I just wait for a referral for my beautiful baby girl.

     I know you might be thinking so many things. Rose, you are single. I thought you wanted to be in China. You are going to be working and raising a child, that isn’t fair to them. This is unconventional, illogical…not normal.  Believe me, I have thought over these things too. I would like to say that I still love the children of China. I still want to be there full time. I would love to start a hospice clinic there for orphaned children or do whatever the Lord has in mind. And I honestly do not think I have to choose between adoption and ministering in China. I think they will fit hand in hand. I do not know how exactly, but I know the passions the Lord has placed on my heart.

     Yes I am single, and yes I will still have to work and I know that goes against traditional thinking. But I have seen orphanages all over the world. They are cold and lonely. No one pays attention to the children’s cries. They are breeding grounds for vulnerability.  Children have no one to fight for them as they fall through the cracks and disappear in to some nightmare that we could never imagine (starvation, trafficking, poverty, sex slavery…etc). This is what is unfair. The people of God have the riches of this world, yet these children still suffer (1 John 3:17)- it is hard for me to believe that leaving them in that state is the will of the Father.  Wasn’t it Jesus who was unconventional? Didn’t He heal on the Sabbath, which was against tradition (Mark 3)? Didn’t He refuse to condemn the woman caught in the act of adultery (John 7)? Didn’t He somehow feed the 5,000 with only five loaves and two fishes (Matthew 14)? Didn’t God give courage to David, only a small boy, to fight a giant (1 Samuel 17)? Didn’t God call the tribe of Levi to have no inheritance allotted to them except for Himself (Deuteronomy 10)? That seems crazy to me. But God was in each of those moments and He received glory every time!

     I am still taking baby steps. I am praying that the Lord has His way. I would love your prayers as well. I am trying to hold this in a very open hand in case the Lord sees fit to close this door. I want Him to do His will in my life. I am so excited guys! I really feel so blessed to be on this journey. If any of you have ideas for adoption fund raisers I would love to hear them! if you have any thoughts or questions please don’t hesitate to call me or message me. I would love to hear from you. I covet your prayers so much : )



  1. Your kid is going to be one of those kids that gets to brag about having a kick-ass mother. You're going to do beautifully, I can't wait to meet my niece!!

  2. oh my goodness. i am so excited for you rose!!! will be praying for you and the sweet child that you will take under your wing, just as Christ has done for you!
    i might be hundreds of miles away, but i'm here for you if you need anything!!

  3. Rode this is so exciting! I will most definitely be praying with you every step of the way!
    Glory to Him who can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine!!
    I thank God for your huge heart, which is such an encouragement to me!!

  4. Rose, you never cease to amaze me. In China you were a pillar of support and love for the kids, and me. God bless you mightily, in all that you do.

  5. WOW. I can't even express how proud and excited and amazed we are at the path God is leading you on Rose. Unconventional and not normal? Neither was the Savior!!
    Whatever we can do to support you, consider it done.

    When can we have a baby shower??????

  6. This is a bit of a strange introduction, but I found your blog through your adoption maternity profile pic on fb, b/c we both commented in your cousin John's status. My husband and I went to college with John.
    First of all, congrats!! I'm an adoptive mom, too. It's amazing. It's the hardest thing, but it's so worth the hard. I'd love to connect and just share life and encourage you on your journey. Feel free to drop me a line at
    If you're into blogs mine is I have a friend who is just starting a Ugandan adoption and her blog is If you're not into blogs that's cool too. It's just sort of an easy way to get to know people.
    Congrats again! I am praying for you and your little girl!

  7. Thank you all for your sweet comments on here! i just now saw that there were comments! hahaha oh to be so computer un-educated :) love to you guys! i couldn't ask for a better support system! my little girl will be so blessed with you all.
