Monday, January 14, 2013

Surgery for Silas tonight (Jan 14th)

Dear Friends and Family, we just found out that Silas will be going in for surgery tonight at 6pm our time. We still have $3,000 to raise, but they are willing to go ahead with the surgery as we continue to raise funds. It is kind of a whirl wind as we have been waiting for this 3rd surgery that is quite emergent and now-it will happen tonight.

Please join us in prayer- for safety, for health, for peace, for guidance, for a quick and easy recovery, for a miracle...

Visit our "Defend Silas" page at and sign up as a prayer partner. We are hoping to have 100 people pray with us. There is also a little video and will be updates on there as well.

Thanks guys for being on this journey with us! We couldn't do it without you!

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