Sunday, December 2, 2012

Silas Update December 2012

     So Silas is in need of prayer and another surgery (yes, time to fund raise and be on our knees for this family once again). The praise report is- Silas had a surgery at the end of this summer, right after I was in China, and it helped him so much. The doctor was able to release a lot of pressure that was resting on certain places in his spinal cord that enable him to now move his arms more freely and have much less pain! Praise the Lord.
     The prayer request is this: there is a lot of pressure that has to do with his spinal column and nerves that are being compressed- this is making it hard to for him breath and eventually he will no longer have the ability to do so. This problem is in a location that is more difficult to get to. The doctor has given him about a year to live if nothing is done about for him. We have run this by our other doctor contacts and they agree that this next surgery is necessary but very risky. The doctor that did his surgery this summer has agreed to do this next one as well. We are trying to raise money in order to get this next surgery as soon as possible as it is emergent.
     Thanks guys for joining with me in prayer! I'll keep you posted as always!!!

     In other news, we just had my sister Sarah's adoption shower for her daughter Naya Rose, who will be here Lord willing by the end of January!! It was so much fun and such a blessing! We cannot wait to meet you little Naya!!!

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