Tuesday, August 7, 2012

China 2012...Christ Alone

So as quickly as my China trip came up this year, it has come and gone. It’s hard to believe I have been back for six days now. It seems that time goes by faster each day. Every moment seems to fly by…But what beautiful moments they are.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support this year. I have to say that seeing those children’s faces and holding them in my arms are those “beautiful moments” I wake up thinking about in the middle of the night (sometimes with joy and a smile and other times with prayerful tears). His children are so precious. I just wanted to share some highlights from my trip!

Hannah Girl:
The very first morning I woke up in China Hannah’s sweet face was there to greet me. We hugged and spoke in broken English/Chinese and laughed and just enjoyed being with each other. You wouldn’t believe it but she is almost taller than I am! She has grown so much and is so beautiful. Her and her brother Yong both got straight “A’s” in school this year. They are such bright kids. Her dad and brother were in Beijing while I was there. Silas was getting a consult for a second surgery (which since then he has had completed. We do not have a lot of details but Silas is well. I will update you all on that once I find out myself! Be praying for them!!). So all five days of camp it was just Hannah and I. I got to teach her how to swim (she loves saying “I can swim!” in English haha). We did crafts, danced, ate, made all sorts of bracelets, went to the movies, talked about life, cuddled, read bed time stories about Jesus (my favorite moments), went moped riding through small villages on the outskirts of town… we had a wonderful week together. At times she can still be moody and she is still growing, but I see so much more maturity in her than ever before. She even recited a poem for the talent show (which is huge for her, she does not like getting in front of big groups of people at all!). Thank you all for praying for her and her family.

Eagles Wings Visit:

After the children from the ZhengZhou orphanage left on Friday (such loves!!!) I was able to go to Eagles Wings orphanage for the weekend to visit with some of the kids I am closest with over in China. Most of the children that my sister and I have on our advocacy website are children from this home (www.hopingforhome.com ). I entered the room and Si Yan screamed with excitement, of course waking the other kids from nap time haha! One by one they ventured out from their rooms and I was met with hugs and kisses. I can still hear all of them at once calling “JieJie, JieJie” (big sister, big sister) asking me to look at what they had drawn, or telling me about some exciting story, or singing camp songs in English and wanting me to do all the hand motions. Those kids are so special. I wish so badly that each of you could see them through my eyes and hold them in your arms- I know you would love them too. I know they would have homes. I know they would never be lonely. It was two days of crazyness but lots of laughter and lots of joy. I was able to get updated pictures and videos for our site (look for those as Sarah updates the website- thank you sister!). I was even able to meet a few more kids that might be available for adoption. Lets find them homes! Praise the Lord.

Exhaustion and Wang Liang:

So although Hannah and I hung out all week at camp… a little man stole my heart. He was a gift from the Lord, his name is Wang Liang. For some reason this trip was really hard on me. I felt so physically tired from the moment I landed to the moment I came home. It was hard to love. I felt like I was constantly working to get a smile from Hannah when she got in a poor mood, or to show that I care, or to have compassion, or to… do everything all at once for the small amount of time I was there. I know loving is hard-I’m somewhat used to that. But usually it does not feel that tiring to me. I was so tired and so drained. It was such a great reminder that there is an end to Rose’s “love”. Mine runs dry quickly. My feeble efforts to help or bless or give fall so short. But not God’s love. His love is strong. It conquers all fears. It brings joy to the broken heart and lifts up all that are bowed down. His love makes each day new and His love is the only source to draw from that does not run dry. Praise to our God who is love and who gives Himself to us so freely.
With that said- one little boy stepped off the bus on Monday and my heart just loved him. He wasn’t my buddy, but each time I saw him he would run to me and hug me. By day two he was giving me kisses on the lips and sharing his suckers with me. He laughed at every funny face I made and close to the last day he told me he loved me too. He was a gracious gift from God. I did not deserve it. God could have made me work to give and receive love all week long- but He didn’t. He sent a little angel-who would occasionally run away and hit me and spit sometimes… you know, he’s a little boy- but he was God’s gift of uninfringed love towards me. I am thankful for little Wang Liang. And not even joking, if I could have taken him home with me, I would have. No questions asked, nothing to think through…he would be lying on my lap right now sleeping as I typed this letter to you all. But instead he is sleeping at his orphanage. And I will pray for him tonight.
Thank you all again for your prayers. They were felt and they were so needed. I am home- safe, sound, and healthy. Please pray for these little ones. If you have time go to our website and just pick one or two kids to pray for that would mean the world to me. I know God can use our prayers to keep them safe and to change their lives forever. They are precious in His sight.
I end with a song I have been singing as a prayer“…So let this Love be like a fire, let our lives be like a flame. Fill our souls with Your desires. Let our passion bring You fame…”
Increased love to you all from Christ alone

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Rose this is so sweet about my little boy! If he doesn't a home within the next years YOU can go and get him! <3
    ~Laura :)
