Wednesday, July 11, 2012

China, ready or i come :)

“…For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.” 1Peter 1:18-22

How amazing that we were bought. And not just that someone cared about us enough to purchase us from disillusionment and death- but something priceless was used for that barter- the blood of our King. And now He calls us to love one another deeply… oh that we could learn what that means. Both on an everyday basis (with our families and co workers) and also when we are sent all the way around the world. Lord how do we love like you do? Teach us.

Well there is about one week until I leave for China. I really cannot believe it. I am half way packed, just got my visa in the mail, spent the day with my mom for her birthday, in the process of getting over a lingering cold, and making dinners for the next five or so days of work. I can’t help but feel a little scattered while I write this. It seems like the past couple of weeks have been a whirl wind.

I have my tickets to and from China, but it looks like my plans are still pretty up in the air for the time I am there. I’ll be headed to ZhengZhou directly. There I will get to see the Bring Me Hope SIAS crew (it will be the beginning of their third week of summer camp) which will be so great. Lord willing from there I will be headed to Eagles Wings Orphanage to see kids I know and love! It’s been a year since I’ve seen them so I’ll try to get updated photos and videos for our web site (and hugs and kisses just for me haha). I plan to stay there a couple of days. After that I’ll go back to camp, either to stay for the week or just a few days to visit with the staff, volunteers and kido’s. Turns out- Silas, Yong, and Hannah are headed to Beijing to meet with a surgeon that might be doing a second surgery for Silas. If all goes well, he might be getting the surgery done that week. It would be really nice to be there, talk with the surgeon, find out what he is planning for rehabilitation, and of course- spend some quality time with Hannah. I miss that girl so much! Also as coincidence would have it, the city they are having the surgery in happens to also be the city where the Philip Hayden Foundation is located (the first orphanage I ever volunteered at in China). So I hope to visit those kids as well.

Soooo… as you can maybe tell, plans are up in the air, but in God’s hands completely. He will guide and direct I have no doubt- He always does : )
I leave the 19th and come back the 30th so please keep me in your prayers. Please pray for health; for God’s direction while I am there; for salvation for the Chinese people I will be spending time with; and that the children will feel the love, the saving grace, and the heart of a father that God has for them. I am so thankful to have you behind me in prayer and support.

Though the past few weeks have just been crazy (with life, work, emotions, family, health…etc) every time I just stop and think about having those children in my arms I almost start to cry. I am so unworthy and so blessed to get to go to China once again. I pray the Father’s love would pour out through me, though I am just a broken vessel. God’s blessings and grace be upon you and your families as you read this. May we understand God’s great love better so that we can more fully love one another deeply, from the heart.

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