Monday, April 16, 2012

Update: April 2012

“…I have come to know and rely on the love God has for me…” (1 Jn. 4:16)

Hi friends and family,
I feel like it has been a while since I last sent out an update of all the Lord is doing! He is always up to so much, whether we know it or not.

Work: As most of you know, after graduating nursing school in 2010 I started looking for a job as an RN and could not find one to save my life. Through much stress, many tears, prayer, and nothing less than the goodness of God; nine months after I started the search, the Lord gave me what unknowingly would be my dream job (on this side of the world). I am working in the NICU at Redlands Community Hospital and I love it. Each day of work is a true blessing from the Lord and I honestly just cannot believe how much I enjoy serving these babies and their families. Thank you to all who prayed for me and helped me through that time of waiting. God always knows what He is doing. As dad always says, “God’s in the wait” (I am sure he got that from someone famous).

-Ministry: I have gotten plugged in with the “Vulnerable Children/ Children at risk” group at my church that meets once a month. We are a group of men and women who work internationally and domestically on behalf of vulnerable or mistreated children. It has been such a blessing. Through this group I have gotten to meet and spend time with so many amazing people who are doing so much for the Lord on behalf of the kids He loves. I am now involved with mentoring trafficked survivors here in Riverside County. It is new for me, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to love them as the Lord does- He can do anything through His love.

China- As you can imagine, China is still at the forefront of my mind each day. My sister and I (mostly my sister) started a web site recently to try and find families for some of the kids we have fallen in love with ( I am still working with Bring Me Hope as we minister to Hannah’s family and I try to help them with projects when they can use another set of hands- love that non profit (the night walk is coming up if any of you are interested, not too late to sign up!!

Also it looks like I will be going back to China this summer! I am so excited, as I did not know if I would be able to get time off from work (being the low man on the totem pole). But it looks like I will be going to ZhengZhou for week three of summer camp, and have a few days before and after to get to visit some of the kids in the surrounding areas. I really just cannot wait to hold them, to look in to their eyes, and tell them how much they are loved. Today I was able to watch a documentary called “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls” on human trafficking (I highly recommend it, but watch it without the kids. It was very difficult to watch, but the ending is just so beautiful). Any way, I just kept seeing our kids in China’s faces- oh what I would give to keep them safe always, to tell them how much they are worth, how much they are loved… but I am on the other side of the world. Praise God that His love stretches so far past where I can reach. Needless to say, I am very thankful for July and a short trip to see them.

I covet your prayers for the trip. I really would just love to be able to see what is really going on, to shed light in the darkness, to be empowered to really help and change their lives. Most of all, pray that the children would know the love of the Father and be safe with Him from the evils of this world. If the Lord puts it on your heart to support me financially, or if you would like to send a little note to Hannah or her family or any of the sweet children on our website-let me know! You all are so faithful in your prayers, love, and support towards me and I am one very thankful young woman.
So much love!!

“My precious bride the day is nearing, when I’ll take you in My arms and hold you. I know there’s so many things that you’ve been hearing, but you just hold on to what I told you…”
-Keith Green

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