Wednesday, August 3, 2011

China Summer 2011

What a quick moment. It was beautiful- a moment to love, to learn, to sacrifice, to be uncomfortable, to share joy, to give, to come to know the Lord and serve Him- but it seemed so quick. I have been thinking about the book of Ruth since before my trip and I know that even though it seemed like a short time, that this was the field He wanted me in. He wanted me there for that amount of time, to meet those people, to share compassion and love in the ways He set before me... His providence gives me hope and assurance that my time in China was what He wanted.
I have so many little stories so I am going to sub head everything so that it breaks it up a little bit.
Hannah and Yong
The moment I arrived in Zheng Zhou I was met by Hannah and Yong who beat me there! It was so good to see them. They were a little stand off'ish at first but it took about half an hour till Hannah was holding my hand and calling me Jie Jie (big sister) again. We spent the whole week together, playing games, eating ice cream, taking walks, swimming, helping others- it was really a sweet time. There are still moments when they want to be independent, and I am learning how to let them do their own thing but still be right there for them when they turn around and scan the room for me. I feel like I have the slightest insight in to what parents of pre teens go through all the time (slightest hahaha). I was able to talk with Tony ( a chinese translator and good friend) about the families living situation. It is looking like we will need to move them soon. There are some options that Angela presented us with and we are looking in to them and praying the Lord would direct us to where they should be. Both of the options we would like most put them in the midst of Christian brothers and sisters, fellowship they lack at the moment. I am really excited to see where the Lord would have us move them! Surgery is still pending for Silas but it is in the works (still waiting to hear back from Stanford about location and details) so lift that up if you could! Saying "goodbye" to the kids was hard. Yong did not mind much but Hannah was crying a bit. I wish we could all just be together and that they did not have to be such grownups. Hannah called the next day and we were able to talk for a little bit. It was such a blessing to remind her she is always in my heart and that we would see each other again. They are permanent fixtures in my life and I am so thankful for that.
I had the honor of having my sister Sarah, my cousin JR, and our good friend Ryan with me in China this year (along with other friends of my sister and cousin!). What a blessing to serve alongside my family. They were troopers, each of them was faced with trials they were not expecting- but God worked through each one of them. It was a blessing to be with them through it. And really I am just so grateful that they would take the time to share in what I love. I am so honored and blessed that they would do this with me.
The Skype Call
While we were in China two of our girls (one of whom was Si Yan, who Sarah and I were looking for a family for) got to skype their new forever family for the first time. I did not realize what kind of an impact this would have on my heart. I watched them sit in front of the computer, giggling and laughing waiting to see their faces. These were the faces of the parents they had been dreaming of since they were abandon by their flesh and blood. These were the faces that would hold them when they were scared or hurting, the faces who would smile when it seemed everyone else was frowning- the faces of their family. I heard them call them "mama and baba" for the first time. I heard them say their first "wo ai ni" (I love you) to one another. It was so beautiful, one of the most perfect moments in an imperfect world. Maybe it hit me so profoundly because this moment is what I dream of and pray for, for each little one I have held- and the ones I have not. For this moment is the reason I raise awareness and advocate for these kids. It is the moment I weep over as I think of them alone in their beds at night... and I had never witnessed that moment before. It was a gracious gift given from the Father to me. It is what I want most for the orphans of China, for the orphans of the world- but I rarely get to see it. So thank You Father for a family for those two precious little girls. Send more families Jesus.
Ning Ning
My good friend Kristen called me one night while I was in China to tell me some sad news. She had just found out that one of the little ones who had stolen our hearts last summer in Changsha had passed away. My heart broke. She was really one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever met, even with the hepatitis that discolored her skin and caused her little body to be misshapen. But she is in the arms of her Father now, and that is a wonderful consolation. Kristen and I were talking for a bit about why she did not get adopted, why no family stepped up to save her, why she had to suffer for two years as a sick baby... I do not have an answer. Any family would have been so blessed to have this little girl as their daughter. I wonder if the Lord is just waiting for families to step up and help these sick little ones. He knows their lives would be so amazingly blessed by these additions to their families, yet He never makes us do anything. But when no one steps up, maybe the Lord says "enough is enough, I am taking my daughter to be home with me. The people of the world had their chance to be blessed by this little one, but she does not need to suffer any more- come Home to me child of Mine. Be healthy and loved." I don't know, His ways are so much higher than my understanding, but this was a thought that made a little bit of sense in my finite mind. I am just thankful I got to know her and hold her in my arms. And I will see her again someday.
So that is just a little bit about my week away in China. It was so amazing, the weather was hot with intermittent down pours, the kids were beautiful, the food was wonderful, the translators were great (oh had some really good conversations and my cousin Jr's translator came to know Jesus!)... another blessed summer in China. Jesus, I just don't deserve this.
Thank you all for your support, prayers and love! I pray it passed right through me and straight to those in China!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet to hear your thoughts, Rose. Thanks for sharing them. What a precious week!
