Saturday, July 16, 2011

in 168 hours...i'll be there

I just cannot believe that in a week i will be in China.
Life is so busy and so crazy some times, and in the midst of all the insanity- i get to fly away and be with the kids i love. Not that i am not blessed here in America. I have the most wonderful family anyone could ask for, an amaizng job that seems sent right from Heaven, the care of good friends, and a church body that really longs to help the helpless- i am so blessed.
But to get to be holding the helpless,
loving the unloved,
giving strenght to those who are truly weak,
and fighting for the defensless, abused of this world...
there is just something so special about that.
i have been thinking alot about Ruth. Her faith, how she was a woman of action (even when she did not hear the voice of the Lord, per say, or see His hand move), she prayed and walked. And the Lord's hand was so evident in her life. He provided everything that she needed and directed her in every situation, even when she did not know He was doing it.
His hand in her life has encouraged me lately. Her trust and action has encouraged me.
My car died this week, i am tired, i do not know how everything will get done before i go to China, but it will. It's so funny how i pictured life going: graduating- getting a job- paying off my debt- going to China... and now i need to buy a car, i'm paying rent so i can be close to work, paying off my loans seems to be going slowly at this moment. But i choose to believe that this is exactly how the Lord wanted it, if He had something else in mind- that is the way it would be.
i know that to be true.
And in the midst of it all, i get to go to China and hold my little ones. God is so good to me.
So i walk. Just as those who have gone before me have. Knowing He is before me and behind me, whatever His plans may be!

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