Friday, June 3, 2011

"...though I know not its measure..."

Hello to my family and friends,
Wow, so much has happened in just the past few months. So much waiting and then... BAM- so many blessings. The most recent of which is the most dear to my heart. In the back of my mind I have been thinking about how much I wanted to visit the kids in China this summer but with the blessing of a new job (becoming a nurse in a community hospital's neonatal intensive care unit) I had doubts about asking for the time off.
I started praying for God to bring about the right time for me to talk to my manager about going to China, even if it was just for a week. Even though it is far from the scenario, I felt like Esther in chapter four when she asks all the Jews to pray for her before she goes and talks to the King "...And if I perish, I perish..." Ha ha ha okay, I know it was nothing like that- but I really didn't want my manager to think I was a slacker who just wanted time off all the time! However, in my heart I knew I had to ask. If I didn't ask I would not have allowed God the opportunity to work a miracle. If He desires me to go to China and love on the children, and He has placed that desire so strongly into my heart, how could I not be faithful to ask? So I did, with as much meekness and humility as I could. The next thing I knew, my manager was sweeping through the unit one day and on her way out said, "Oh Rose, I just okay'ed those dates for you in July." End of conversation. I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs, and jump up and down, and fall on my knees and thank the Lord. I am so blessed.
So all of that to say...I AM GOING TO CHINA THIS SUMMER!! Yay Jesus!!! I will be in Zheng Zhou from July 22nd-July 30th. It is only for eight days, but I get to see some of my precious kids and I am so thankful for that. Hannah, her borther Yong, and Ruby will all be with us, as well as the children from Eagles Wings (Ruby's orphanage). Another added blessing is that my sister Sarah, my cousin JR, and our good friend Ryan are all going to be coming with me! I am really so excited.
Right now I feel a little crazy because I am in the midst of orienting to a new job, living part time in Temecula and moving part time to Riverside, and now preparing for my time in China- life seems crazy. I feel like I am in the midst of a whirl wind, but I know the One who holds me. And He is hanging on tightly!
"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more. My mouth will tell of Your righteousness, of Your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure"
Psalm 71:14-15
So, as always I covet your prayers so much. Thank you all for being up to take this journey with me, as always :) You just never know when God is going to say "GO"! Please keep me in your prayers. Here are some things at the top of my list: For continued favor at my new job. That my heart would be prepared for all that God is going to do in China. For all the funds to come in for my trip. For the summer camps that are going on all summer long with the kids. For health and travel safety. For each child to feel the love that the Lord has for them so deeply and so intimately. For salvation in China. And for Silas' surgery (Hannah's dad).
I am really so thankful to the Lord. With him all things are so possible! Thank you for your prayers and support! Feel free to visit Bring Me Hope's website and learn more about what is going on at each summer camp! I'll be updating my blog too!
So much love to you all,

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