Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Praying, Brainstorming, Waiting...

I just got off of a Skype call with one of our contacts in China who helps a lot with the kids and it just seems like there is so much to pray about and so much that I figured I could update everyone on.

-Silas. I just found out he has a fever and is being seen by a doctor that comes to their house (which is a blessing). Pray with me for his healing and that the children would be safe from getting whatever cold he has. We continue to call the surgeon who offered to do the surgery but, he has been very busy and has not been able to set a date for the surgery. There has also been talk of Stanford bringing Silas over here to do the surgery in the States, so we are still waiting to hear back from them on that decision. The children continue to do well in school. We have been contemplating moving them to a better living arrangement, but a lot goes along with relocating a family. We are praying that God really direct us to where is best for them at this time as they wait for the next surgery. At the moment we are looking at sending a little more money over a month in order to supply them with more coal for the winter as well as good jackets and healthy food, as it will be very cold. My heart wishes I could wrap my arms around them to keep them warm instead of sending them coal… but the Lord knows, and I am confident He has a plan and will wrap His arms around them (they are much warmer than mine any way).

-Camp Follow Up. I have been working with Bring Me Hope to start a follow up program in order that the children that come to camp might be loved, supported, and helped all throughout the year. We are really focusing on getting our campers adopted! I am so excited because one of my little loves from 2010 has found a family, they are just in the beginning stages- but to think that one of the little ones I pray for each night is going to be home with a forever family soon... that makes my heart leap with joy. I pray that this becomes the “norm” for each child that comes to camp. There is a lot of coordination that goes in to all of these things however (with the orphanages, our case workers, our Chinese staff, and myself communicating effectively-an ocean away from each other). Some things seem to take forever and some things seem to get lost in communication, but I know that God will work despite my ill efficiency.

-Database. I am also working with one of our Chinese staff to compile a database of all the children who have come to camp...ever. This is such a necessary thing to have, as each child is so valuable and we need to keep track of them to make sure we are helping them. No child should fall through the cracks and feel abandon after being loved for a week… one week is just not enough. I am so excited about this!! But, compiling all the kids information from years past, verifying it, making it in to a database, and then trying to re-connect them with buddies that may have lost contact seems like an overwhelming task. I am just praying that the Lord would inspire, coordinate, and direct it all.

Pray for our Chinese staff as they are really doing all of the hard work! I am so thankful for brothers and sisters across the globe who are so moved to action! Thank you all for your prayers and faithful support. Please join me in praying for the kids tonight. May the Lords angels encamp around them and protect them and may they know Him as their Father.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you're got a lot going on lady. The database project is exciting!! :)
