Friday, April 1, 2011

an invitation

From the Book Radical by David Platt. [talking about picking up his son Caleb whom they adopted from Kazakhstan]:

“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”

I have come to realize that I have never invited many of you to come to China with me to work with the orphans there. I never wanted anyone to feel pressured to do what the Lord has placed on my heart, or to think that I am in any way see myself as “holier than thou”… I am a wretched sinner saved by the grace of God and I know this.
But as I read this paragraph in Platt’s book, my heart was so stirred and so convicted. How dare I not encourage you to go brothers and sisters. It will change you in the best of ways. Loving orphans is the most amazing thing that God has allowed me to do. You may think that you are not a “kid person” or that you are not “gifted” to work with orphans. But I am telling you, as you step out to do so, a part of your heart will come alive that you may have never known existed.
I know it will- because it is God’s heart in you.
I am not saying you have to go to China or you have to volunteer with Bring Me Hope (though I would love to serve alongside you), I’m just saying go. There are orphans everywhere.
Find them.
For the sake of the Father’s heart. For the sake of the children He loves- please go!

“once you do, everything changes”

1 comment:

  1. That's a really good quote.
    As a non-kid-person myself, I can testify to your statement too. I'm the kind of person that smiles at the statistic that more dogs than children live in Seattle. And I give stank eyes to children in grocery stores that are throwing tantrums, and at the parents who don't seem to care that their children are making way more noise than necessary in a restaurant.
    But meeting a child who lacks basic needs and is deprived of love did change my heart, and created me into someone who is willing to change my life to try to change theirs. Who knew God could do that. Not me! :)
