Monday, March 21, 2011

Exceedingly abundantly more… an update on Silas

Monday March 21st has been an exciting day!
For the past couple weeks we have been waiting and praying for a call back from some different neurosurgeons we had contacted regarding Silas’ condition. This morning we received a call from Dr Mindea, a neurosurgeon from Stanford University. After chatting with him for a bit his words were, “I think it might be best if I could go to China and perform the surgery on him myself”. These words brought both shock and delight to our hearts! Not only is he willing to donate his time, but he is submitting a request to Stanford for all the supplies that are needed!
If we were to bring Silas here, spinal surgery would cost at least $80,000. Instead, this man is willing to travel all the way around the world, to a country he has never been to, to operate on a man he has never even met. If this is not the hand of God moving, than I do not know what is!
So, it looks like surgery will take place in about three months (enough time for all the arrangements to be made). Silas and his family will return home until that time, then they will meet Dr Mindea back in Beijing for surgery.
Keep us in your prayers as we talk with Dr Mindea to figure out the details. Supplies needed, transportation, recovery, physical therapy, other medical staff- these are just a few of the “question marks” we have in our heads. BUT… God does exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine, so we are not worried. We are just thankful! Please join us in thanking God for His provision today!

PS-We are going to do a conference call to pray and update everyone on more details we find out. I would love for you all to join in!

Thursday March 24- 6pm (PST)
Bridge #: 599558 (type this number when you connect)

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