Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Naya Rose Shiman:: getting ready for another surgery.

My niece Naya goes in for surgery again next week. Her sweet heart is needing some help. My family and I pray often for Naya’s heart to be completely healed. Milla prays each morning and each night for her cousin. And all we can say really is: Here we are Lord. Again at the hospital. Awaiting better news.
It is one thing to read the stories in the Bible and quite another to have lived them I think.

We read about Israel cowering at the sight of Goliath (a giant) and we think “Come on guys, God is obviously going to deliver you!”. And in walks small shepherd boy David to defeat the giant and cause the enemy army to flee. Duh! Why where you guys so scared to fight him? God was with you.
Or when the people of Israel were standing at the Red Sea and the army of Egypt was charging towards them with swords drawn. We cannot wait to skim down to the part where the Red Sea opens up and God’s people walk across on dry land. See guys! No reason to be scared!

Naya is at the Red Sea.
Naya is facing Goliath.

 And we just pray that we have the faith to know that each time we enter the hospital, no matter what news is given to us- that the giant is going to fall. that the sea is going to part in front of us.
We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). We trust in what the Lord has spoken: I [Naya] will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done (Psalm 118:17).

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31). Pray with us that God grants us the perspective we need to not grow weary. To see HIM instead of the sea in front of us and the army behind us. To know HE is bigger than all the giants in our lives. A perspective that is bigger than ourselves, bigger than our circumstances, bigger than a 7 year old girl’s serious heart condition. Please pray with us.
I probably blogged this for myself, for my family, for our Naya… but if you would all pray for us and with us for sweet Naya Rose, we would really appreciate it because sometimes we are weary.

…But thanks be to God who gives us the victory in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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