Monday, February 28, 2011

Unexpected turns with Silas

So it has been three months since Silas and his family were in Beijing getting spinal surgery. He returned home to recover and was scheduled to go back to Beijing for physical therapy three months later. Well, he and the family retunred to Beijing last week and visited the doctor. He was then informed that a peice of metal that had been placed in his neck had broken. The doctor told us that it is impossible to do any sort of pt while he is in this condition. It seems that the only option is for him to once again undergo surgery to replace the broken piece of metal.

We have been in contact with Dr. Vidler, Angela (who is with the famil), and Hope- and we have decided to go ahead fundraising for a second surgery (tentatively set for early next week, after fundraising and negotiating with the surgen).

We were sad to discover this set back, but we also know that God is in contrlo and that nothing takes Him by surprise! Satan means things for evil and discouragement, but the Lord uses it for good (Rm. 8:28) and we excited to stick with Him through each step.

Please joing us in praying for Silas and his family. Pray for healing, pray for regeneration of the bone (that he wouldn't even need the metal), pray for finances to come in to fund the surgery, pray that the family has peace and does not get disheartened but grows closer to the Lord. Also in your prayers lift up Angela with thanksgiving. She is not being paid to be with the family but is just staying with them and helping them out of the love that God has placed in her heart! I am so thankful for that young woman!

Let me know if you have any ideas for fundraising or ways to bless the family. Thanks for joining me in prayer for this them. It's been a long journey but God is faithful and He will not leave us or forsake us. We only pray that this draws us all closer to Him and that our faith increases still more and more.
So much love :)

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