Monday, February 28, 2011

3 weeks of GLO'ing

For the past three weeks thirteen Chinese college students who have been involved with Bring Me Hope have been here in California doing an intensive Bible study (GLO- Growing and Learning Overseas)…and having so much fun! These brothers and sisters are some of the dearest Chinese friends I have and it was so wonderful to learn with them, talk with them deeply about Jesus, watch them get baptized, camp with them, worship with them, and watch them grow in their relationship with our Lord. God is just so good! So much thanks to Bring Me Hope and especially Becca for following the Lord’s leading and facilitating the whole thing! It was a blessing to us all. What a little taste of Heaven as I sat and worshiped next to them. Can’t wait to be up there worshiping Jesus alongside you all.
Please keep them lifted up as they headed home today- back to everyday life. I know how hard it is when I leave China and come back home. I am just praying for an easy transition and that China will be set on fire by the passion that God has given them!

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