Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Born That Men No More May Die

 On Sunday at church we sang the familiar Christmas carol "Hark! the Harold Angel Sing". I love Christmas carols, Christmas time, celebrating Jesus birth, remembering that He loves us so much He came down to be one of us, to save us... like seriously LOVE it all! So I adore singing Christmas carols at any time! But on Sunday I sang this verse and burst in to tears- unable to finish the song. 

"Mild He lay His glory by, born that men no more may die." 

Isn't our world so full of death lately. Death of the body, death of joy, death of hope, death of common decency and love. Just seems like there is more dying than living right now.

 But guess what?! that is why Jesus came. So that we could live in death no longer.
So we could be free to live life abundantly!
And yes when death does come (as it will to each of us), He was born so even that pain would not be felt. He is life. He is hope. He is with us. 

He took off His glory to share in our sufferings so that death could not be a threat to us any more. 
How beautiful is that truth? I know Covid, sickness and disease have rocked all of our worlds. Some have lost loved ones, some have lost jobs, some have lost who they are... but let's remind ourselves that there is hope beyond death, beyond suffering, beyond hurt. He wanted to make sure we knew that. He gave up His glory and His life to ensure there was more than just this. 

Take a minute and soak that deep into your souls this Christmas. Immanuel, God is with us. And not just with us- but our savior who conquered sin and death for us.
Born that men no more may die.

Merry Christmas

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